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Body Language Allan Pease Pdf Download

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Tharindu Dissanayake
"The acquisition of knowledge and skills in non-verbal communication serves to make every encounter with another person an exciting experience."

Decrypting body language has been a fascinating subject for me. There are a number of different 'theories' for interpreting our common gestures. Allan Pease's Body Language is book is a brief, well-organized and easy to understand guide book which contains the basics of non-verbal communication. With everything being explained from a practical standpoint

"The acquisition of knowledge and skills in non-verbal communication serves to make every encounter with another person an exciting experience."

Decrypting body language has been a fascinating subject for me. There are a number of different 'theories' for interpreting our common gestures. Allan Pease's Body Language is book is a brief, well-organized and easy to understand guide book which contains the basics of non-verbal communication. With everything being explained from a practical standpoint, readers of any understanding of the subject could read the book quite easily.

"Albert Mehrabian found that the total impact of a message is about 7 per cent verbal (words only) and 38 per cent vocal (including tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) and 55 per cent non-verbal."
"It is good to learn and to use positive open gestures to communicate with others and to eliminate gestures that may give negative signals."

Pease has divided to the book in to a series of chapters, some based on the part of the body (palms, hands, arms, legs, face, eyes etc.) and others based on the characteristics of the immediate surroundings. His views on each particular gesture and how to interpret them using 'gesture-clusters' while considering in which context they occur, were very clearly explained. Though I have read a couple of recently written books on the subject, I was surprised to see a lot of new opinions here, especially considering this had been written almost 40 years ago.

"Many people claim that they habitually take the arms folded position because it is comfortable. Any gesture will feel comfortable when you have the corresponding attitude; that is, if you have a negative, defensive or nervous attitude, the folded arms position will feel good."

The author does not hold back when it comes to profiling gestures in anyway he sees fit to drive the point home. Some of the opinions will appear somewhat shallow or sexist - especially the 'courtship gestures' - and probably will offend a lot of people. Still, I think it's important to have them explained. Author's aim is not to make you a connoisseur of such gestures but to help one identify individuals who might use such gestures to control situations. When it comes to subjective content such as this, it's always up to the reader to select what is appropriate or acceptable.

"When it comes to courtship rituals, most men are about as effective as someone standing in a river trying to catch fish by hitting them on the head with a big stick."
"In given light conditions, the pupils will dilate or contract as the person's attitude and mood change from positive to negative and vice versa."

Overall, I enjoyed the book. Book felt like a a dictionary of gestures, which you could easily refer whenever you want to interpret a set of gestures or to improve your own non-verbal communication techniques to enhance your communication skills.

"People form 90 per cent of their opinion about you in the first ninety seconds of meeting you, and you never get a second chance to make a first impression!"

Mitch C.

Informative, precise, sensible and entertaining.

This in-depth analysis of human body language is really handy. From head to feet, may it be the person is sitting or standing, and whether the person being analyzed is the sender or receiver, it's all in black and white. Even the illustrations are noteworthy. Thus, this book is perfect for both professional and personal purposes – from buyer and seller situational analysis to courtship.

Side Note:
Did you know? Even the positioning of the feet, where

Informative, precise, sensible and entertaining.

This in-depth analysis of human body language is really handy. From head to feet, may it be the person is sitting or standing, and whether the person being analyzed is the sender or receiver, it's all in black and white. Even the illustrations are noteworthy. Thus, this book is perfect for both professional and personal purposes – from buyer and seller situational analysis to courtship.

Side Note:
Did you know? Even the positioning of the feet, where it is pointed to, is considered a body language.


Amir Tesla
A nice, brief introduction to body language.
Dec 26, 2017 rated it did not like it
Currently reading this for my Anthropology class, and I don't think it's too early to rate it. Actually, I think it is because I might give it just one star in the end. This book hasn't aged very well, and I can't stop laughing at the author's assumption (based on the body language, of course) that every woman in the world wants to f*** him. Just no!

Edit: Yep, definitely one star! Endless list of sexist attitudes:

"A woman can give a man a 'look to kill'; she will convey a very clear message to h

Currently reading this for my Anthropology class, and I don't think it's too early to rate it. Actually, I think it is because I might give it just one star in the end. This book hasn't aged very well, and I can't stop laughing at the author's assumption (based on the body language, of course) that every woman in the world wants to f*** him. Just no!

Edit: Yep, definitely one star! Endless list of sexist attitudes:

"A woman can give a man a 'look to kill'; she will convey a very clear message to him without opening her mouth." (Thank God she didn't open her mouth this time! But she will open her mouth for sth else later.)

"When a man passes a woman in a crowded street, he usually turns his body towards her as he passes; she usually turns her body away from him. Does she instinctively do this to protect her breasts? Is this an inborn female reaction or has she learned to do this by unconsciously watching other females?" (How about minding your own business and leaving those poor women alone, you old creep?!)

"In a home a woman's private territory may be her kitchen and laundry and she objects to anyone invading that space when she is using it." (I've no words.)

"The husband who leans across to his friend, points toward his wife with a closed fist thumb gesture and says, 'Women are all the same, you know', is inviting an argument with his wife. (Amazing.)

"When wearing dresses or the like, the sexually aggressive female displays one thumb tucked into a belt or pocket." (At this point, I had to put the book down because I couldn't stop laughing. So baaaaad!)

"If a woman loves a man, she will dilate her pupils at him and he will decode this signal correctly, without knowing he does so." (Goddammit, and all this time I was doing it wrong.)

"The most aggressive sexual display he can make towards the female is the aggressive thumbs-in-belt gesture that highlights his genital region. He may also turn his body towards her and point his foot at her. He uses the intimate gaze and holds her gaze for a split second longer than normal. If he is really keen his pupils will be dilated." (How the hell is this a male courtship gesture in the author's mind? If I saw a guy doing this, I'd run for my life.)

"When a woman becomes sexually aroused her lips, breasts and genitals become larger and redder as they fill with blood. The use of lipstick is a technique thousands of years old that is intended to mimic the reddened genitals of the sexually aroused female." (I'm done! This book ruined wearing lipstick for me.)

Haha, I'm really looking forward to the next staff meeting :) Haha, I'm really looking forward to the next staff meeting :) ...more
Beau Johnston
Many years ago, one of my martial arts instructors made his students read this book. At the end of the lesson he would set a chapter to read before we came back for next week's lesson. Reading that chapter was not optional, because he would ask each student something about the homework chapter. We thought his fascination with the book was a little strange to begin with, but we quickly learned otherwise.

We didn't know it at the time, but our instructor was teaching us about situational awareness.

Many years ago, one of my martial arts instructors made his students read this book. At the end of the lesson he would set a chapter to read before we came back for next week's lesson. Reading that chapter was not optional, because he would ask each student something about the homework chapter. We thought his fascination with the book was a little strange to begin with, but we quickly learned otherwise.

We didn't know it at the time, but our instructor was teaching us about situational awareness. Reading body language is a big part of situational awareness, and most instructors don't have time (or the knowledge) to go into the fine details of the subject.

This is a great book that everyone should read at least once in their lives, it's easier to avoid trouble if you can read the moods of the people around you.

Sandra Soetanto
A survey once notified that body language conveys 55% of what you're communicating. I was never having any attempt to learn about it before I learned about how important personal branding is. To support our personal branding, we have also learned about body language, since our body (realized it or not) also sends a message, and we do want to send the right message to the people around. The book talked about positive and negative gestures (from hand, face, legs, etc.) – I personally like 'Three W A survey once notified that body language conveys 55% of what you're communicating. I was never having any attempt to learn about it before I learned about how important personal branding is. To support our personal branding, we have also learned about body language, since our body (realized it or not) also sends a message, and we do want to send the right message to the people around. The book talked about positive and negative gestures (from hand, face, legs, etc.) – I personally like 'Three Wise Monkeys' chapter - and also complemented by drawings, so the reader can visually see the descriptions of a gesture. This book is recommended for those who'd like to refine their communication skill, especially non-verbal communication. ...more
A useful introduction to basic body language. The book describes, in simple detail, the various manifestations of body language and what message is more than likely being conveyed. The concept of clusters is especially useful, as they can provide more accuracy in determining what message is being conveyed by the body language. The illustrations are useful and realistic enough that you can study the behavior and apply it in real life. Overall, the book is readable and useful.
Clare S-B
Very interesting well researched book. It was directed specifically at salespeople and business people but is also applicable to any human who interacts with other humans. The diagrams were clear and easy to understand. Being better at reading peoples body language can only ever be helpful to you, and this book gives a heap of tips on decoding the body language of our fellow humans and even your own body language you are unconsciously using.
Sep 14, 2018 rated it it was amazing
A very interesting and practical book. For female readers - wording was chosen in a typical male centric way when the PC wasn't as huge like now. I give it 5 for it's original attempt to decode human body language.
Aatman Thaker
A satisfactory introduction to nonverbal behaviours. Good as a starting point but certainly not as detailed and analytical as I was hoping it to be.

A good read for anyone looking to get some clarity about what nonverbal behaviour means in humans.

Carrie Daws
Although the book is written for salespeople, it can be easily read and put to use by all kinds of people. It goes into good detail without overwhelming the reader on the subject, and the illustrations throughout are helpful.
I know there are updated editions of this book, but I read an earlier one. Perhaps this isn't the right edition. Oh well.

From my foggy memories, this book was illuminating to me. I was eleven years old at that time and didn't realize there was so much information divulged in the way people's bodies move, or their faces. They also had diagrams/illustrations which I found useful, as well as pivotal in a book about body language.

As a pre-pubescent girl, I was more interested in chapters such as il

I know there are updated editions of this book, but I read an earlier one. Perhaps this isn't the right edition. Oh well.

From my foggy memories, this book was illuminating to me. I was eleven years old at that time and didn't realize there was so much information divulged in the way people's bodies move, or their faces. They also had diagrams/illustrations which I found useful, as well as pivotal in a book about body language.

As a pre-pubescent girl, I was more interested in chapters such as illustrating liking someone or how to know if someone liked you by body language then about the power motions. I remember several of them and sometimes catch myself either doing them or watching others. It's quite amusing!

I was a little appreciative that the Peases included other cultures/countries in their book, because what is prominent in the American culture does not necessarily mean the same in other nations, even other Western nations.

Of course, what we learn in this book may not be applicable to those who don't have social skills we might deem "normal" in our society...

Feb 23, 2011 rated it really liked it
I'd recommend this book to anyone who deals with people. Which is really almost anyone. I'd also especially recommend it to writers and aspiring writers. I picked it up because I was tired of the narrow range of nonverbals I was using in expressing emotions in my writing. The book is organized the wrong way for writers. A writer would prefer that it be organized by feeling or emotion. (My character is angry. What body language might he be evincing?) Instead, the book is organized by parts of the I'd recommend this book to anyone who deals with people. Which is really almost anyone. I'd also especially recommend it to writers and aspiring writers. I picked it up because I was tired of the narrow range of nonverbals I was using in expressing emotions in my writing. The book is organized the wrong way for writers. A writer would prefer that it be organized by feeling or emotion. (My character is angry. What body language might he be evincing?) Instead, the book is organized by parts of the body. (The arms are in this position, or that position, or the other position. What might that mean?) Still, it's fascinating, and it broadens the horizons. As for the main target audience of the book--people engaging in sales, or any kind of people-facing consulting--it's right on the mark. It's also an engaging and fun read. I borrowed this book from the library, but I think I'm going to buy it. ...more
Jul 10, 2013 rated it did not like it
This is the most awful book on body language that has ever been written. It is so widely received and taken at face value even today, that it is difficult to underestimate the damage these 150 pages have done to the notion of body language and popular understanding of nonverbal communication. Every other person has read this book or otherwise become acquainted with it's inane myth-filled contents and whatever use it may have had to the businessmen of the mid-1980 has clearly been overshaded by t This is the most awful book on body language that has ever been written. It is so widely received and taken at face value even today, that it is difficult to underestimate the damage these 150 pages have done to the notion of body language and popular understanding of nonverbal communication. Every other person has read this book or otherwise become acquainted with it's inane myth-filled contents and whatever use it may have had to the businessmen of the mid-1980 has clearly been overshaded by the misconceptions and misunderstandings this book has propagated all over the world. You CANNOT read others' thoughts by their gestures. ...more
Gökhan Kesici
Dec 03, 2017 rated it really liked it
It's surprising to notice how almost everyone reacts the same way in the same situation.
In fact, it also teaches a lot about how to behave when you are among other people considering criterias like your relationship with them, place etc.
The language is simple and the content doesn't make you require prior knowledge on psychology or other branches of science.
It was recommended during a seminar about effective communication and I wanted to give it a try, since the seminar was itself amazing. The
It's surprising to notice how almost everyone reacts the same way in the same situation.
In fact, it also teaches a lot about how to behave when you are among other people considering criterias like your relationship with them, place etc.
The language is simple and the content doesn't make you require prior knowledge on psychology or other branches of science.
It was recommended during a seminar about effective communication and I wanted to give it a try, since the seminar was itself amazing. The book was also amazing! Don't skip that book without reading, which will really change you at least a bit!
Janice Raquela
This book is very informative mainly cause it breaks down everything , simplifies it , with examples of pictures ,
So that you can relate unlike other books that leave the content to the readers imagination.
This book is psychology based an interesting read .
I'd recommend this book to people who have to socialize on a daily basis it'll help you understand the opposite person's non verbal gestures which convey a lot , especially for salesmen , Actors too can improve their performance behind the c
This book is very informative mainly cause it breaks down everything , simplifies it , with examples of pictures ,
So that you can relate unlike other books that leave the content to the readers imagination.
This book is psychology based an interesting read .
I'd recommend this book to people who have to socialize on a daily basis it'll help you understand the opposite person's non verbal gestures which convey a lot , especially for salesmen , Actors too can improve their performance behind the camera in their respective roles.
Tarek Farrag
Apr 27, 2016 rated it really liked it
I became interested in a body language book after hearing about it from my friend Mohamed Hosny,i borrowed this book from my friend weka , but i got it translated to Arabic it's great book this book is like a weapon. It gives you a leg up on interactions with others who do not understand body language, my advice is to try to read your friends body language and apply what the book said gonna improve you very much, my observation about the low quality of the pictures but at all i enjoy reading i h I became interested in a body language book after hearing about it from my friend Mohamed Hosny,i borrowed this book from my friend weka , but i got it translated to Arabic it's great book this book is like a weapon. It gives you a leg up on interactions with others who do not understand body language, my advice is to try to read your friends body language and apply what the book said gonna improve you very much, my observation about the low quality of the pictures but at all i enjoy reading i hope u do all ...more
Marta :}
This was quite a long read! It was interesting, really, but some parts were quite boring because the book is not only talking about body language between normal people, but more about sellers and buyers. And this is a domain which I'm not very interested in. But even after saying this, I quite liked the book, it had interesting facts and it made me really curious to watch more for body language. Useful book! This was quite a long read! It was interesting, really, but some parts were quite boring because the book is not only talking about body language between normal people, but more about sellers and buyers. And this is a domain which I'm not very interested in. But even after saying this, I quite liked the book, it had interesting facts and it made me really curious to watch more for body language. Useful book! ...more
Mihai  Chindris
Nov 30, 2017 rated it it was ok
Recommends it for: everyone
This book comes with precise explanations. It is an easy-read, meaning that every one of us can understand what the author tries to communicate with us. Also... it is handy! Whenever you feel like you want to revise the concepts you have learned, you have the choice to dive right into your desired chapter and review the things mentioned there. I enjoyed it! So simple and straight-forward!
Kamarul Mansur
May 14, 2018 rated it really liked it
Summary of more than ten years of research, studies by behavioral scientists, research made by other profession on the same subject and including the writer's valuable experiences are compiled in this book while the writer tell the reader that this book is an introduction to Body Language. Although was initially intended for salespeople and managers and executives, this book will give everyone a very good understanding about others and himself. Writer discussed about gesture clusters, difference Summary of more than ten years of research, studies by behavioral scientists, research made by other profession on the same subject and including the writer's valuable experiences are compiled in this book while the writer tell the reader that this book is an introduction to Body Language. Although was initially intended for salespeople and managers and executives, this book will give everyone a very good understanding about others and himself. Writer discussed about gesture clusters, difference of nonverbal communication throughout cultures, objects used while "talking" non-verbally such as cigars, cigarettes, pipes and glasses in Chapter 11 and desk, tables and seating arrangements in Chapter 16. Sketches of expressions and gestures are of black and white of expressions used in this book to describe the meaning of the language. ...more
Feb 02, 2019 rated it really liked it
I loved this subject. Always been a people watcher, I've found some of it handy in life. How to make it clear you want to leave a conversation without saying "you're boring me" and how to look interested in a meeting when you're actually planning your weekend. However, buyer beware, all is not what it seems and it's important to take context into account. Like the interviewee who sits on the edge of their seat through their interview might look on edge but it could be just a really uncomfortable I loved this subject. Always been a people watcher, I've found some of it handy in life. How to make it clear you want to leave a conversation without saying "you're boring me" and how to look interested in a meeting when you're actually planning your weekend. However, buyer beware, all is not what it seems and it's important to take context into account. Like the interviewee who sits on the edge of their seat through their interview might look on edge but it could be just a really uncomfortable chair. ...more
Albertus Alphero
This is a great book, especially with non psychological background. It explains about general non verbal language well. BUT, although the thorough explanation, many parts of this book that are not coherent between subtitles. For examples, after explaining about A, the next subtitle will explain about C, then G, then B, and so on. I think it will be better if the author explain it in chronological order.
Mar 10, 2018 rated it it was ok
The gestures author is trying to describe in the book varies too much based on different circumstances. So without generic abstractions of these gesture, the soul purpose of this book mostly fails. Before reading this book I thought he would emphasize on some applied abstract observation technique for reading gestures, but I got disappointed by the things author has written in this book.
Alfiya Karimova
I was expecting much more revelations about human communication, particularly in facial expressions. Found that there were very few useful information about it.
This book is one of the pioneers in this area and suffers from being slightly outdated.
Also the book is a good basic start and I'm going to look for more up to date literature.
A solid and full of research book about body language, gives a lot of new insights for beginner who wants to know more about general body language in daily life, but for me this book is a little bit boring at the same time. Overall it's still worth to read fpr those of you who're interested in body language and its psychological meaning A solid and full of research book about body language, gives a lot of new insights for beginner who wants to know more about general body language in daily life, but for me this book is a little bit boring at the same time. Overall it's still worth to read fpr those of you who're interested in body language and its psychological meaning ...more
Cosmin Culidiuc
A fascinating and informative guide to body language.

Throughout his book, Allan Pease explains in an easy to understand manner and with a lot of practical examples the secrets of what every "body" is saying. You will be presented with the history and origins of body language, and then be given the tools you need to decipher anything from handshakes to facial expressions and gestures.

Jun 17, 2021 rated it liked it
I enjoyed the book, the illustrations and the insight into why we move in the way we do, although it was very brief. I see this book as a practical guide and a sort of introduction to the topic. Although informative, it is rather dated. Body language, like any language, morphs and changes over time so this work is due for an update.
Manoj Sharma
Nov 19, 2017 rated it it was amazing
In a very short way it teaches a lot on Body language... for common man this much knowledge is enough to understand . @allanpease is anyway master in body language.. must read if u want to understand psychology of body language
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need help 1 12 Nov 26, 2014 04:57PM
Allan Pease is an Australian author and motivational speaker. Despite having no education in psychology, neuroscience, or psychiatry, he has managed to establish himself as an "expert on relationships".

Originally a musician, he became a successful life insurance salesman, he started a career as a speaker and trainer in sales and latterly in body language. This resulted in a popular sideline of aud

Allan Pease is an Australian author and motivational speaker. Despite having no education in psychology, neuroscience, or psychiatry, he has managed to establish himself as an "expert on relationships".

Originally a musician, he became a successful life insurance salesman, he started a career as a speaker and trainer in sales and latterly in body language. This resulted in a popular sideline of audio tapes, many of which feature his irreverent wit.

His best-selling book Body Language brought him international recognition. It has been followed by several others. He is quite well known in Australia and during the 1980s he was an occasional TV analyst for political debates where he would analyze the body language and overall performance of the contestants.



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